In order to discipline the use of subsidies, and regulate the actions countries can take to counter the effects of subsidies, the WTO has framed the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. For more information on WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, visit
In order to implement WTO rules on subsidies and countervailing duties, the Customs Act, 1969 has incorporated adequate provisions under section 18A, 18C and 18D. Further, the NBR has issued an SRO (SRO no. 164-Law/1996/1682/Cus) delineating detailed rules and procedures for identification of subsidized goods, assessment and collection of countervailing duties, and determination of injury.
Bangladesh Tariff Commission has been nominated as the Designated Authority for this purpose (SRO no. 97-Law/1997/1702/Cus)